a. A very young child; an infant.
b. An unborn child; a fetus.
c. The youngest member of a family or group.
d. A very young animal.
2. An adult or young person who behaves in an infantile way.
3. Informal
a. A lover or sweetheart.
b. Sweetheart; dear. Used as a term of endearment.
4. Slang An object of personal concern or interest: Keeping the boat in good repair is your baby.
adj. bab·i·er, bab·i·est
1. Of or having to do with a baby.
2. Infantile or childish.
3. Small in comparison with others of the same kind: baby vegetables.
tr.v. ba·bied, ba·by·ing, ba·bies
The first one
The others don’t make sense to be in the middle of the story.
- the witches’ prophecy about Macbeth's future
- Duncan’s decision to name Malcolm as his successor
Macbeth receives a prophecy of three bruchas. The prophecy says that Macbeth will be king. He is delighted and happy with this prophecy and is eager to tell his wife about the bright future what awaits him. however, King Duncan had already nominated his son, Malcolm, as successor to the throne.
The promise of being king and Malcolm's appointment succession to the throne, influence Macbeth to kill King Duncan and take over the throne of the country.
I've always thought that the book should be renamed
- George and Lennie
- Of Jobs and Men
- The Life of George and Lennie
Very simple titles, haha :P