A color that is lighter in value than its basic hue is known as a <em>TINT</em>. a color that is darker in value than its basic hue is called a <em>SHADE</em>.
Tints and shades are terms that belong in the theory of colors.
When we talk about tints, we are referring to those colors in which white was added to them to make them lighter.
On the contrary, shade refers to those colors in which black is added to make them darker.
There is also a third term that can be added to this category, and that is tone. Tone is a mixture of tint and shade, or simply when gray is added to a certain color.
White is the lightest value; black is the darkest.
Hope this helps :)
I believe the answer would be "D" Binary form.
Hope this helps!!!
Figurative imagery is most common in architectural ornament of Islamic art. In addition, water is common used as a decorative element in Islamic architecture. Calligraphy is/are usually used to decorate luxury objects made by Muslim artist. The creation of the codex led to the growth of progressively intricate scripts for use in calligraphy.