A.)He thinks she shouldn't worry about the performance.
Hurstwood thinks that Carrie should not worry herself about the performance. Before her performance, Carrie was overcome by fear. Hurstwood sensing Carrie's fear went to her, to encourage her not to be scared as the audience would not be very critical of her performance.
He reminded her that there might be a possibility of missing some of her lines but that she should not be deterred by that.
Apostrophe: An apostrophe is a device used to call somebody from afar. The poet has used this device in the twelfth line where it is stated as “Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store.” In this line, the poet directly addresses the imaginary character “autumn”.
Paragraph 31
''He bit his lips in annoyance, left the coffee-house and decided not to smile or look at anyone, which was not like him at all. Suddenly he stood rooted to the spot near the front door of some house and witnessed a most incredible sight. A carriage drew up at the entrance porch. The doors flew open and out jumped a uniformed, stooping gentleman who dashed up the steps. The feeling of horror and amazement that gripped Kovalyov when he recognized his own nose defies description! After this extraordinary sight everything went topsy-turvy. He could hardly keep to his feet, but decided at all costs to wait until the nose returned to the carriage, although he was shaking all over and felt quite feverish.''
Answer: To show how people are taking themselves too seriously although they are the same as others
In this paragraph, we can the main situation in ''The Nose'' by Nikolai Gogol and that is Kovalyov's nose loss which is showing a lot of irony and grotesque. He was terrified when he found out that his nose is walking freely on the streets but he was the most worried about what the other people will think about his loss.
- With this irony, Gogol's purpose was to show readers how nonsense is the social position or title. He showed that most people are taking themselves too seriously because they are thinking that they are important in society but actually they are like everyone else.
This story is surreal but it is shown in the most realistic and detailed way.
The man learned Spanish easily and quickly. But sadly not many people appreciated his Spanish knowledge. Quickly he realized that people must learn to appreciate Spanish culture more. Slowly he realized what he must do! That was the day the man decided to go back to school to become a Spanish teacher.