For example, “that person in my class has the brand new Playstation. I wish my parents were that rich to buy me one.”
The phrase, a decent respect for the opinions of mankind, was intended to convey a respect for what mankind thinks. Opinions are biases indulged by mankind inside their thought-matrices. Mankind is the species known as Homo Sapiens Sapiens.
She is using a discussion technique called "Think, Pair, Share"
You can see in the question above that Liya, after reading the articles and gathering interpretations about them, came to a conclusion that she decided to share with a group of people. This discussion technique is called "Think, Pair, Share" and occurs when an individual thinks about an information he has received (in this case, articles), resonates with reason about it and shares it with an audience that is interested.
Uh, noun. Form or print used for focus, headings, etc. with dense, heavy lines