Sounds like a horror city with nothing normal happening, everyone having a tough time with imagination being normal,
For a more useful answer it looks like a town full of uncivilized people that understand a more violent interaction with the world around them and a poor education system.
A laissez-faire government is the one that does not interfere with the economy.
- The French term laissez-faire literally means ‘let do‘. This can be elaborated as the freedom granted by the government to the free market to let it do what it wishes to do.
- In such type of government, the authorities choose not to interfere in the activities of the market so as to allow it to function without any kind of hindrance.
It is ghost town so i the day would be very quiet and very easy to learn more than a public school.also will would not have a lot of supplies to learn for the day. Also, the lunch would be nasty so you would be hungry the whole day and you may would need gas mask since theres a lot of pollution.
Answer:When it occurs it affects the speech of the person making it difficult for them to communicate, write and understand languages either verbal or written
Aphasia is a condition that happens within the brain which robs an individual the ability to communicate. When it occurs it affects the speech of the person making it difficult for them to communicate, write and understand languages either verbal or written. It occurs after an head injury or stroke.
Regions in your frontal, temporal and parietal lobes formulate what you want to say and the motor cortex, in your frontal lobe, enables you to speak the words. Majority of language related activity takes place in the left section of the brain