Answer: The word that should go in is lava.
The pharaoh Ramses II (RAM-seez) ruled from about 1290 to 1224 B.C.E., during the New Kingdom. Called Ramses the Great, he is one of the most famous pharaohs. He reigned for more than 60 years, longer than almost any other pharaoh. ... At the age of ten, Ramses was made a captain in the Egyptian army.
introduce her son to multiple stimuli.
Lucy wants her son, Kyle, to have the best environment to help him reach his full potential. According to those who study early experiences and the brain, Lucy should introduce her son to multiple stimuli.
This would allow her son to get acquainted with a variety of environmental stimuli which would in turn increase his understanding and adaptation to different forms of nature and its treats. He can reach his full potential only when he is familiar of most of the things that exist.