I think that there was a sort of half and half thing going on. Okay so first, there might have been an emperor who ruled which was actually not uncommon for china at that time but then there was also communist ideals so the government might have also been communist or growing into that phase but still a mix of both. I think they had a traditional command economy because the economy was comandeered by the emperor himself because he was at the center of everything. Some of the government policies that were implemented on the people of China in this movie were that people had certain curfews which were seen throughout the movie because at night everything was shut down or closed. I couldn't really find much else so I can't answer that question thoroughly. I am also taking all this information from the original Mulan because the new Mulan is somewhat different
Both were conquered by Spanish conquistadors
E. Construct Validity.
Construct validity is mostly used in social sciences and psychology. It is mainly a device used almost exclusively in social sciences, psychology and education.
For example, you might design whether an educational program increases artistic ability amongst pre school children. Construct validity is a measure of whether your research actually measures artistic ability, a slightly abstract label.
Just like case above that has to deal Dr. Ross looking to examine if the certain indicators which tends to complete her romantic attraction measurement are truly related to one another and make for an accurate representation of the variable she is researching.