This is quite a trick question indeed. Isaac Stevens had been appointed as Governor of the Washington Territory by President Franklin Pierce. He was also named Superintendent of Indian Affairs and was thus directly in charge of any official dealings with Native American tribes.
He did force several tribes to sign treaties with the federal government to cede their lands to it. Although he acted autocratically and in a very authoritarian manner, he did it in the capacity of the positions described above and as a representative of the territorial government has was its representative therefore the correct answer is “The territorial government” as he did not act this way out of a private initiative.
Gun powder was meant to be like a potion for unlimited life, but ended up being a potion for death and is still used today.
Im writing this to finish a challenge
Rapid growth of the Chinese economy in the past decade and its potential for strong growth into the foreseeable future have caused anxieties in the rest of the world. Some commentators see Chinese growth wholly in terms of competition for trade and investment opportunities with other developing economies and a major cause of structural adjustments in the advanced industrialized economies. In particular there have been warnings of severe consequences for international agricultural markets. In this paper we use a dynamic general equilibrium model called the G-CUBED model (developed by McKibbin and Wilcoxen) to explore possible future paths of the Chinese economy based on projections of population growth, sectoral productivity growth, energy efficiency and technical change in the Chinese economy. This model captures not only the composition of the direct trade impacts of developments in the Chinese economy but also the implications of the endogenous flows of financial capital on macroeconomic adjustment in the world economy. The study focuses on the period from 1990 to 2020. Rather than being a problem for the world economy, we find strong growth in China is beneficial for the world economy directly through raising world incomes.
pls brainliest if possible