According to Hobbes, a well-ordered society would be one in which there is a strong central government. In one of his most famous works, Leviathan, Hobbes argues that if there was no strong government to control the people that many societies would be in constant warfare against each other. To prevent this from happening, Hobbes argues that citizens and the government must have a social contract.
A social contract consists of citizens giving up some of their freedoms/rights so that society can be more organized and safe. The government would be responsible for controlling citizens and keeping society safe.
to help people see whats happening and to cheer on and evaluate
se comprende la identidad de un pueblo.
La cultura de una civilización se entiende como el conjunto de tradiciones, creencias y costumbres que caracterizan a un pueblo, es decir, lo identifica. La producción artística refleja entonces la cultura, porque el arte es una herramienta de representación, expresión, comunicación, que se refleja principalmente en lo que el hombre vive, piensa y es. La manifestación artística marca un determinado período de tiempo porque representa una época, diferentes tradiciones y por ende cultura, a través de las artes y sus diferentes lenguajes como la música, la pintura, la danza, la artesanía, etc.
b. Germany was able to fight a two-front war in Western and Eastern Europe.