Not sure what your question is, but here is some information about it:
- It was introduced around 1750s but people already partially stopped using it around 1790s
-There were some specific rules for it, but there was some confusion about them and not everyone followed them
- it started with the capitalization of the main word in the sentence and then Capitalisation of all Substantives was introduced
-in German such a capitalization was introduced in 17th century too, and remains to this day
1) Willow is taken to the hospital where she passes out and hits her head, After getting stitches, she runs away from there and goes to the Library and hid behind a large chair
2) Mai bullies Dell Duke at the burger and pie diner as she ordered alot of food and then made Dell to pay for it.
3) Dell Duke gave Willow a test like the one she was accused of cheating in and she aced it. If Dell had handed over the test scores, principal would have realized that Willow didn't cheat in the exam after all, and Dell Duke's incompetence would have been discovered.
I would say answer A. It fits the best in my opinion.
The story celebrating the artistic spirit
А я не могу найти где ты живёшь в Москве и в chikin и я не могу найти