Your body needs protein to stay healthy and work the way it should. More than 10,000 types are found in everything from your organs to your muscles and tissues to your bones, skin, and hair. Protein is also a critical part of the processes that fuel your energy and carry oxygen throughout your body in your blood.
A: Oxygen levels are low and, therefore, more red blood cells are produced, giving the athletes an advantage when competing at lower altitudes.
<em>At high altitudes, the partial pressure of oxygen is lower compared to lower altitudes</em>. The body system try to adjust to lower oxygen level by undergoing several physiological changes. Depending on the duration spent in high altitude, the body can either try to adjust in the short term or acclimatize for a longer term.
One of the processes the body undergoes during acclimatization is an increase in red blood cell production. The kidney secretes erythropotein in response to inadequate oxygen in body tissues, and this makes the liver to increase erythrocyte production.
The increase in red blood cell production correspondingly increases the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood as a result of increased hemoglobin. This condition persists for a few weeks even after the body returns to lower altitude where oxygen is adequate. Increased oxygen capacity means the rate of energy production (through respiration) within the body will also increase
<em>Hence, those who acclimatize to high altitude usually experience increased capillary density, tissue perfusion and improved athletic performance at lower altitudes. </em>
The correct option is A.
Because that answer proves that all organisms do come from similar ancestors.
In the nephron, approximately 20 percent of the blood gets filtered under pressure through the walls of the glomerular capillaries and Bowman's capsule. The filtrate is composed of water, ions (sodium, potassium, chloride), glucose and small proteins (less than 30,000 daltons -- a dalton is a unit of molecular weight). The rate of filtration is approximately 125 ml/min or 45 gallons (180 liters) each day. Considering that you have 7 to 8 liters of blood in your body, this means that your entire blood volume gets filtered approximately 20 to 25 times each day! Also, the amount of any substance that gets filtered is the product of the concentration of that substance in the blood and the rate of filtration. So the higher the concentration, the greater the amount filtered or the greater the filtration rate, the more substance gets filtered.
This filtration process is much like the making of espresso or cappuccino. In a cappuccino machine, water is forced under pressure through a fine sieve containing ground coffee; the filtrate is the brewed coffee. The arrangement of the glomerular capillaries in series with the peritubular capillaries is important to maintain a constant pressure in the glomerular capillaries, and thus a constant rate of filtration, despite momentary fluctuations in blood pressure. Once the filtrate has entered the Bowman's capsule, it flows through the lumen of the nephron into the proximal tubule.