1. Enabled building of factory away from rivers powered machines = steam power (steam power enabled for factories to be established anywhere. It also provided substantial potential and could be utilized to power huge machines )
2. Developed system of interchangeable parts; increased production =Eli Whitney (at his arsenal Eli Whitney discovered the use of interchangeable elements and the milling device)
3. Made putting together of goods piece by piece; increased production greatly = assembly line (an assembly line is a construction process (oftentimes called a progressive machine) in which parts (interchangeable parts) are added as the semi-finished assembly passes from workstation to workstation where other parts are attached in series until the final assembly is designed. )
4.provided a tough, efficient building material for industrial purposes = steel (steel is an alloy of several metals but it consists of more iron than other minerals. Steel is solid and potent than iron)
Hello! The answer to your question would be as followed:
The process of becoming a US citizen when you are not born in the united states or to parents who are US citizens is called <u><em>"The Naturalization Process"</em></u>
Uma religião pe um sistema que nos liga a aquilo que é sagrada em determinada cultura. Geralmente, o elemento sagrado das religiões esta relacionado a algo sobrenatural, que não é corporeo e não esta vísivel livremente no mundo material ao qual pertencemos. Dessa forma podemos afirmar que o elemento comun as religiões é a crença no mundo sobrenatural.
Obs: Perguntas em portuguÊs devem ser postadas no campo "World Languages" porque esse não é o servidor brasileiro. Caso contrario, a sua pergunta pode ser excluída.
The Atlantic charter was an agreement between United States and Great Britain
The Atlantic Charter was a joint declaration released by US president Franklin D. Roosevelt and British prime minister Winston Churchill following a meeting of the two heads of state in new foundland and it provided a broad statement of Us and British war aims. The meeting happened between Churchill and Roosevelt. They met aboard the Augusta in Placentia bay, Newfoundland to discuss their respective war aims for the second world war and to outline a postwar international system
You are correct. The uneducated people were the ones that thought the planet was flat but the educated people knew the real shape of the earth.