The correct code for this question:
g=float(input("Enter your English test grade:")) #take input from user.
#check conditions
if (g>=100 and g<=90):
print ("A")
#g greater then equal to 100 and less then equal to 90.
if (g>=89 and g<=80):
#g greater then equal to 89 and less then equal to 80.
if (g>=79 and g<=70):
#g greater then equal to 79 and less then equal to 70.
if (g>=69 and g<=65):
#g greater then equal to 69 and less then equal to 69.
#g less then equal to 64.
print ("Not a grade")
#not a grade or fail.
In this program, we use to take a value from the user and check the value from the various conditions. To check all the condition we use if-else statement and AND operator that check to the range to together.
If -else is a conditional operator. In that, If block is used to check the true part and else part takes false value, and AND is a logical operator that check the two range together
In python 3.8:
def func(value_list):
lst = [x for x in value_list if type(x) == int or type(x) == float]
return sum(lst)
print(func(["h", "w", 32, 342.23, 'j']))
This is one solution using list comprehensions. I prefer this route because the code is concise.
def func(value_list):
total = 0
for x in value_list:
if type(x) == int or type(x) == float:
total += x
return total
print(func(["h", "w", 32, 342.23, 'j']))
This is the way as described in your problem.
It can improve the quality of education in many ways. It opens doorways to a wealth of information, knowledge and educational resources, increasing opportunities for learning in and beyond the classroom. Teachers use online materials to prepare lessons, and students to extend their range of learning
Which language? In Java it would simply be:
int count;