In political systems that allow and protect this right, the system is able to be altered by the people if they think that it should be. This means that if they disagree with something, they are able to petition it without being harassed or arrested. This can change the political system if the system gets to where the people don’t have rights and they will try and change that.
Image result for Describe the purpose of the contact between Europeans and the Mughal court.
Contact between Western Europe and the Mughal empire was put into practice in the very beginning of the 17th century. The Portuguese, English, and later on, the Dutch were the ones to trade with the Mughal empire.
Every or all the thirteen states
In the United States, following the War of Independence, the Americans came together to form the Articles of Confederation in 1777 among the thirteen states.
In it, there was no executive branch, no judiciary branch, and each colony has one vote each. To pass a law requires 9 of 13, while to change articles requires all the states to give consent.
Hence, Under the Articles of Confederation, representatives needed ALL THE 13 STATES agreement to change something, and we know that getting everyone to agree is really difficult.
Hello there.
Via the prism of Greek philosophy, ancient Greek pottery allows one to explore women's positions as goddesses, keepers of home life. The portrayal of women as housekeepers offers a romanticized view of domestic life while still addressing sexual politics within the household.