Tere: Whose is this wool scarf? Alejandro, is it? Alejandro: No, it's not. I do not wear scarves. But these gloves are. I bought them last year. Carlos: Hey, Alejandro, why do you have that TV in your box? It's from Tere and mine. It is not and you know it. Alejandro: It's not yours! It is not ! Your TV is in your room. Tere: This time Alejandro is right, Carlos. But Alejandro, what are you doing with those sunglasses? They are from Carlos. Alejandro: They are not! They are not from Carlos! He lost his sunglasses last week. Carlos: I do not remember. But Alejandro, why do you have those socks in your suitcase? Are not they Carlos's? Alejandro: Ah ... ah ... well, this ... well yes. They are from Carlos. The socks are. I do not know how they got (they got in) in my suitcase. How weird! Tere: Yes, how curious!
Después de clases voy a nadar a la playa.
Después de la escuela juego basket con un amigo.
Es chiquito porque no puede ser grande
Los componentes básicos de los argumentos son proposiciones (o declaraciones o afirmaciones). Una proposición (declaración o afirmación) es una oración que es verdadera o falsa.
Hope that helps :)