i am princes of nature of queen arigato gosaimas
I'll post parts of the story that used the dogs as metaphors.
<span>"He chuckled as their muffled noises reminded him of whimpering puppies down at the animal shelter where he volunteered. Puppies always seemed to make noises as they played and whined for attention from the older dogs or volunteers. He liked working in the smaller dog area where all the older dogs looked out for the puppies, just like family, just like his family of older members looking out for the younger ones."
The metaphor of the dog gave me a clear picture of what their family is and how they act towards one another.
Their family is big in number and most of them are kids. They are a boisterous bunch and they enjoy each others company just like puppies. The older batch of cousins are like the big dogs that keep watch over the younger cousins like puppies.
Their family is big, happy, warm, and clearly enjoys each others company.</span>
For the first red, you don't need an article before "relationship".
When you're saying "type of [word]", do not put any article before that word.
Example: "a type of device"
Not too sure about the "your back" parts. It could be your teacher does not like repition.
Also not too sure about "did". He probably wanted you to use the word "felt" instead of "did feel"
The first word of the last paragraph should be "in" not "at".
The red commas definitely do not need to be there.
Don't know why he marked "time to" and "to" red.
Archetype Example
Fire and ice Fire- man and Beowulf Ice- Monsters
The threshold Beowulf becomes king and must change and become greater.
The underworld Grendel and his mother's cavern.
Haven vs. wilderness Herot is like haven swamp/cavern is like wilderness
Ok this 2 help
Dialogue: we can tell how the character talks (like rude language, good language)
Actions: we can tell how the character acts
Thoughts: we know what the character thinks
Interaction with others: we know how the character interacts with other people
Opinions of other: we know what this character thinks about others
I would say all of them except opinions on others. Like, you can be a nice person and think negatively about someone (well that's me).