Roac tells Bilbo and the dwarves about the death of Smaug.
Hope this helps you! (:
People everywhere make mistakes and it is no big deal. However, when you yourself make the mistake the consequences can be pretty harsh. One moment that I really regret is the time I broke into an abandoned house. I broke in with a group of friends because we wanted a little adventure. In our brains the house was abandoned and it was too early in the morning for people to be awake and see us. We snuck out of the house, walked four blocks, and tried getting into the house with a lock pick. I regret this moment because someone was awake and that someone called the cops. That is where the consequences began. We had to walk across town at four in the morning to get away from the cops, we came home and our father was already awake, and we never did get into that house. We were all grounded... For months.
*True story! I hope this works!
Its - car
This - More and more physicians are beginning to look not just for illnesses but also for patients' habits with long-term health implications
Its - cow
Someone - no antecedent
It - antecedent not clear
The antecedent of a pronoun is the word or phrase whose place the pronoun takes. In some cases, the antecedent is obvious, while in others it's either missing or not clear.
In the first and third sentences, it's simple. In the first sentence, a car's transmission is mentioned. Instead of repeating the word <em>car</em>, we will use the pronoun<em> it</em> and its possessive form <em>its</em><em>.</em> It's the same in the third sentence (cow's tail - its tail).
The second example is interesting because the antecedent of the pronoun <em>this</em> is the entire previous sentence.
In the fourth sentence, the antecedent is missing. We don't know instead of what word the pronoun <em>someone</em> is used.
In the fifth, the antecedent is not clear as the pronoun <em>it </em>could be used to refer to the word <em>rain</em>, or the word <em>mud</em>.