Command over the language English helps you in commanding the whole world. It is because if you are proficient in the language English then you are like a person who has a greater vocabulary and all the skills are perfect for you. The world is a place where the international language is English. So when you have a command in English you can go to any country and get a higher edication and even a great job.
That means even if you are not a native English the world will show respect to you. When you command English you can reach in any platform very easily. You can get your own opportunity to stand yourself.
The error in sentence is Misplaced Modifier.
The correct sentence will be Although Shelby was very tired , she finished her project on time.
There are different parts of sentence in which grammatical mistakes can be done. They are:
Subordination: These express relationships clearly and the emphasis is carried out properly.They are used to describe time, purpose, cause and condition. Hence they make use of words like after, before, whenever,because, since, as, that, so that, in order that, if, even though, unless.
Parallelism: To demonstrate a similar level of importance, consistent word patterns and endings are used.
Misplaced Modifier: A modifier is placed somewhere in a sentence where the intended meaning is messed up.
Dangling modifier: it changes the meaning of sentence and cannot be identified.
Nature because nature doesn't belong to anyone.
Well it depends on that story
If it was an amazing book like The False Prince then the three things I found extrodinary are the prince survived the pirate attack, he was disgused as an orphan for 4 years, and that the person who "made him into a prince" was a bad guy and wanted to kill the prince.
The promise that the creature made to victor just before leaving him at the remote hut in the northernmost Scotland was B. I will be with you on your wedding night.