The answer is: Judah
Jeremiah was the son of the Jewish priest Hilkiah of Benjamite village of the Anathoth city. He was also known as the weeping prophet.
God withdrew his blessings from the Judah nation, when the nation diverted from the God by breaking the covenant. Then God guided Jeremiah to prophesize that the Judah nation will be plundered and captivated by the foreigners and will suffer from famine.
Petroleum, Jewelry, Packaged Medical Treatments, Rice, and Cars.
The oldest of these exports are Petroleum and Rice. They are still exported. You may see Jasmine Rice in grocery stores. That is exported from India.
Alcyoneus , a giant usually considered to be one of the Gigantes, slain by Heracles.
Chthoniusson son of Poseidon and Syme, who founded the first colony on the island of Syme, which was named after his mother.
Damysus , the fastest of all the Giants in the Greek mythology.
Enceladus, typically slain by Athena, said to be buried under Mount Etna in Sicily.