Answer: yes there was a market crash y parents where born then it was not near how severe as the great depression people where not dying out of hunger
but it was a huge drop for investors and bussines ppl
His most famous work is his “I Have a Dream” speech, delivered in 1963, in which he spoke of his dream of a United States that is void of segregation and racism. King also advocated for nonviolent methods of protest, and he organized and staged countless marches and boycotts.
Each chamber of the legislature is divided into two branches. The government is made up of many small branches, that when they are put together, work to form one unit or system.
Your answer is: Two branches
Have an amazing day!
the destruction of French towns and farms
The 100 years' War was fought between the Kingdom of France and the Kingdom of England, however, it was fought entirely on French Soil, including English-controlled French areas.
These made the English particularly harsh in their treatment of the French peasantry, and in their war tactics. They used a scorched-earth tactic, in which they destroyed farms, towns, and depleted resources. They did so to prevent the French Army from obtaining much needed supplies.
n rural highways in Bhutan, trucks hauling huge pine logs rush past women bowed beneath bundles of firewood strapped to their backs. In the capital of Thimphu, teenagers in jeans and hooded sweat shirts hang out smoking cigarettes in a downtown square, while less than a mile away, other adolescents perform a sacred Buddhist act of devotion. Archery, the national sport, remains a fervent pursuit, but American fiberglass bows have increasingly replaced those made of traditional bamboo. While it seems that every fast-flowing stream has been harnessed to turn a prayer drum inside a shrine, on large rivers, hydroelectric projects generate electricity for sale to India, accounting for almost half the country's gross national product.
A tiny nation of 700,000 people positioned uneasily between two giants—India to the south and China to the north—Bhutan was almost as isolated as the mythical realm of Shangri-La, to which it is still compared, until the early 1960s, when the first highway was constructed. Now in a sequence of carefully calibrated moves, the last independent Himalayan Buddhist kingdom has opened itself to the outside world, building better roads, mandating instruction in English for schoolchildren, establishing a television network and introducing Internet service. This month, citizens will conclude voting for a two-house parliament that will turn the country from a traditional monarchy into a constitutional one. The elections were mandated by the fourth king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, before he abdicated in favor of his then 26-year-old son, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, at the end of 2006. Two political parties scrambled into existence after the decree.