Means no matter how many processors you use, speed up never increase from 10 times.
If a problem of size W has a serial component Ws,then performance using parallelism:
Using Amdahl's Law:
Tp = (W - Ws )/ N + Ws
Here, Ws = .1,
W - Ws = .9
Performance Tp = (.9 / N) + .1
Speed Up = 1 / ( (.9 / N) + .1)
If N -> infinity, Speed Up <= 10
Means no matter how many processors you use, speed up never increase from 10 times.
cool math if its not blocked
yes because they already have them for old gun ships (which they still use) and they have made cars with them and more including bombing situations IED detinators they used in Afghanistan and in Iraq in 2011.
Generation Y are the people age 14-37, which means they are born 1977 - 2000.<span /><span>Tweens are the younger edge of gen Y who have never lived without the internet or easy access to cell phones.</span>
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