Whatever you have written on the page is what it'll name it.
AI, Interests, and marketing
Processing privacy policies is not a real function of a large data set.
Enterprise Resource Planning Is the software platform for bidirectional applications. The main objective of ERP it shared the database system and connects the enterprise as a whole so that data can be reached the once and made accessible to all users.
The main advantage of Enterprise Resource Planning is that Enterprise cycle parallelization or optimization it also the boost performance of the organization and saving the time.
The following code as follows:
max=name1; //define variable max that holds name1 variable value.
if (strcmp(name2, max)>0) //if block.
max=name2; //assign value to max.
if (strcmp(name3,max)>0) //if block.
max=name3; //assign value to max.
In the above code, we define a variable that is max. The data type of max variable is the same as variables "name1, name2, and name3" that is "char". In the max variable, we assign the value of the name1 variable and use if block statement two times. In if block, we use strcmp() function that can be defined as:
- In first if block we pass two variables in strcmp() function that is "name2 and max" that compare string value. If the name2 variable is greater then max variable value so, the max variable value is change by name2 variable that is "max=name2".
- In second if block we pass two variables in strcmp() function that is "name3 and max" that compare string value. If the name3 variable is greater then max variable value so, the max variable value is change by name3 variable that is "max=name3".
<u>Drastic change of over society Computers:</u>
In society computer has drastically changed and it has been used to for varies purpose to do analysis or storing data, as decisions making tools. Purpose computer been found is to do huge calculation. “Compute” word has been derived to computer. Computer later stage it diverted is purpose from calculation to information store device.
Computers have heavy effect the communication in normal word and business world. Especially social media took over the control of computers. In today’s world four type of ethical issue are known in computer mainstream in the workplace they are.
1. Crime (computer)
2. failure of responsibility in the computer.
3. Protection of software records and documents etc.
4. End user data protection and privacy.
99% of computers are protected with firewalls and antivirus. But still hackers can hack the computer and steal the data.