The answer is "False"
It is put to use Six Sigma had 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO) from the start, allowing for a 1.5-sigma process shift. However, the definition of zero faults is a little hazy. Perhaps the area beyond 3.4 DPMO is referred to by the term "zero faults.", that's why Before being released, large computer programs, such as operating systems, must have no faults the wrong choice.
Type the numbers or text that you want to enter, and then press ENTER or TAB. To enter data on a new line within a cell, enter a line break by pressing ALT+ENTER.
TThe while loop keeps going until count is greater than or equal to 10.
count = 0, sum = 0
count = 2, sum =2
count = 4, sum = 6
count = 6, sum = 12
count = 8, sum = 20
count = 10, sum = 30
Now that count is equal to 10, it exits the while loop and the program ends. The values above complete your trace table.
Answer: Swapping
Swapping is referred to as the process by which the kernel temporarily moves data from memory to a storage device.
Swapping is simply a memory management scheme whereby the process can be swapped temporarily from the main memory to the secondary memory in order for the main memory to be available for other processes. Swapping is used for memory utilization.