The answer is A with Jeremy.
For some, Open Mic Night at the local bar might conjure up some pretty bad memories - random people yacking about this or that, one minute a guy tells you about the novel ways to trim your hedges into the likes of farm animals, while another talks about his belief that aliens live amongst us. You and your buddies roll your eyes and dash for the door. And this is for good reason! Neither speaker took the time to consider some very important things.
You see, when a speechwriter sets out to draft a winning speech, he not only considers the topic - he thinks about the speaker, audience and purpose of the speech. Why, you ask? He does this mostly to keep the attention and interest of his audience. Let's take a closer look at this.
Answer: The trials for women from the Honduras to the U.S was painful. They had to go through many trials of racism and the environment around them. They didn't have much provisions so they were all underfed and dehydrated most of the time.
At the zoo, the Dursleys spoil Dudley and his friend Piers, neglecting Harry as usual. In the reptile house, Harry pays close attention to a boa constrictor and is astonished when he is able to have a conversation with it. Noticing what Harry is doing, Piers calls over Mr. Dursley and Dudley, who pushes Harry aside to get a better look at the snake. At this moment, the glass front of the snake’s tank vanishes and the boa constrictor slithers out onto the floor. Dudley and Piers claim that the snake attacked them. The Dursleys are in shock. At home, Harry is punished for the snake incident, being sent to his cupboard without any food, though he feels he had nothing to do with what happened.