<span>This is false. While the first clause is the establishment clause, the second is the free exercise clause. It states that the government will not pass a law that will abridge the "free exercise thereof," concerning religious belief and practice. A person's religious practices, provided they do not break any applicable laws, are not to be limited by legislation.</span>
Spain gained great power and prestige; they dominated the Americas and possessed a vast amount of land and wealth. The country reined for a very long time after Columbus' discoveries, bringing jealousy to other countries. To the Europeans, the widespread of their Christianity beliefs was named very well for them
Answer&Explanation:This client is
penniless and homeless, and is struggling to make ends meet ,this means they can't eveb meet their basic needs (food,shelter, water and clothes). Due to this fact a person goes to a survival mode , where they try to find food ,clothing and permanently space to sleep.
This client has no money , no job and no one to help and guide them towards a positive change, they need to take urgent step to change or they may face jail time and hopping from shelter to shelter as their solution and plenty other illegal activities.