The trail of tears was a part of the removal of native cherokee indians from their territories east of the mississippi to western territiories such as oklahoma.
<span>Prior to the standard gauge track, railroad travel was much more arduous and painstaking. There were originally several types of gauges used on a railway track. This caused long train trips to require multiple stops in order to change train cars. With the standard gauge track on trains in the 1800s, multiple changes were no longer necessary and so the trips were shorter.</span>
Answer: sexual sadists
Explanation: sexual sadism is a disorder where an individual feel sexual excitement or arousal from inflicting pain, humiliation or suffering on their victims or sexual partners. Sexual sadist offenders are usually obsessed with keeping trophies and excessive violence.
These trophies which might include video tapes, audio tapes, pictures or even diaries can serve as evidence against this offenders in the court of law. So these should be included in a search warrant.
Answer: Due to reticular formation activation system
Reticular formation activation system is the system which is present in brain as small-sized pencil responsible for regulation of information between sensory system and mind.It invokes wakefulness in a person or sleep-wake transition through sending sensed information to make conscious .
According to the question, reticular formation activation system is responsible due to which parents got awake from sleep when fire broke as they received sensory information because it was their duty to protect children from fire whereas children are asleep as they are having sound and restful sleep through information sensed stimuli as parent will take care of the condition.