If, after reading "Let George Do It", you wanted to write a report on the current state of his home town in Alderdale, Washingto
n, and the influences on the area by the hydroelectric plant and the John Day Dam, which of the following would be considered valid sources? Check the box in front of each source that would be considered a valid source. (Choose two answers.)
a 2021 article in Scientific America titled "Impact of Power Plants on the Columbia River and the Surrounding Areas"
the diary of George Warner's daughter
the journal kept by Lewis and Clark detailing their journey along the Columbia River in Washington and Oregon
an entry from the most recent edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica about the John Day Dam
reports of the water flow of the Columbia River before construction started on the John Jay Dam in 1958
a letter to the editor of the Alderdale Press in 1958 opposing construction of the John Day Dam on the Columbia River