L’eau I think I haven’t been in French that long I could be wrong
J' ai ✅
Ils sont ✅
Nous avons
Vous êtes
Il est
Tu as
Ils sont
Elle n' a
Vous avez
Nous sommes
Ils ont
Je suis
<em><u>Passé composé :</u></em>
Auxiliaire ( Être / avoir, présent tense)
participe passé.
tu as
il/elle a
nous avons
vous avez
ils/elles ont
Je suis
tu es
il est
nous sommes
vous êtes
ils/elles sont
. Quel jour tu vas au dispensaire?
- J'ai rendez-vous chez le médecin lundi.
- À quelle heure vous allez à la plage ?
- A 10 h 30, mais d'abord on passe chez Marie.
Quels sont tes joueurs préférés?
- Marcel Dessailly et Zinedine Zidane. Ils jouent un match amical dimanche au nouveau stade de Bamako.
Et quelles chanteuses tu préfères?
- J'aime Sarah Mabokela et Angélique Kidjo. Elles chantent à la télévision samedi soir.
english translation:
helene has math class on monday at eight o'clock, thursday at eleven o'clock, friday at two o'clock. saturday at eigh o’clock, she has french class on monday nine till ten o’clock, wednesday at eight, thursday at three and friday at eleven. she has spanish monday at eleven, thursday at two, and saturday at ten o'clock. she has english monday at two, wednesday at nine, and thursday at nine. she has art monday at three and four.
she has history (+) geography tuesday at eight and nine and thursday at one. she has physics tuesday at eleven, one, and two. she has p.e. tuesday at three and four, and friday at eight. she has computer science wednesday at ten, friday at four, and saturday at nine. she has music wednesday at eleven. she has biology on friday at nine and three.
what time does helene eat?
Answer: de
It means to have a lot of milk.