On this day in 1851, at the Women’s Rights Convention in Akron, Ohio, Sojourner Truth delivered a speech which essentially solidified the basis of intersectionality with her groundbreaking address known as, “Ain’t I a woman?”.
The answer is A, too much power in the central government.
had just experienced the rule of a tyrannical leader. They were afraid
that if they gave the central government too much power, then they would
end up going through the same problems again. So they ended up giving
too much power to the states, and too little to the central government.
Later on they had to change the rule because nothing was working out
well. They owed other countries money and they figured that something
had to change.
Chinese homes differed, like anything else, depending on one's social class and how much money one had. Peasants lived in huts while merchants and other middle-class people lived in houses made of wood, which were built around a rectangular courtyard where a garden would be planted.
They couldn't make their own laws and govern themselves, had to pay high taxes to the king, and the Treaty of Paris ensured the dominance over the colonies.
I did this in school so i already know that I am correct.