While the Colombian exchange was a boost for the america's it had positive and negative effects. It introduced pigs, horses, tomato plants, sugar and unfortunately it also was a way to transport people as slaves. The colombian exchange was part of a triangle, from Africa to the americas from the americas to europe and from Europa to africa, while goods were being transported, where you have a lot of people and a tight ship disease also was being traded unknowingly. Columbus sailed the ocean in 1492 and when he struck land he claimed it was america, but he was actually in south america, his ship had gone off course and in result the 'indians' that he claimed to see were actually what we know as Mayans.
I think Letter C, I think because of the 19th century, modernization, and transformation to the modern world ignored the lower classes and that makes the empire to be abolished.
The civil war would have occurred anyways. There was serious underpinning dismay in society of that time period. And we fully do not understand what the misgivings were of that time.
Slaves had to work like freemen but freemen weren't owned. freemen when they worked they got money for their job and slaves didn't get paid at all. i don't know what example you want me to use