When they're quoting someone, or using information from a specific place.
The two options that best reflect the difference between a memoir and a biography are:
1) <em>A memoir uses first-person point of view, while a biography uses third-person point of view.</em>
Memoirs are written by the person who lived the situations described (or by a third party as instructed by the "main character"), while biographies are written by third parties, usually experts in the subject.
2) <em>A memoir expresses the author’s thoughts and feelings about events, while a biography is the story of someone’s life as told by another person.</em>
Since memoirs are written in first-person, they immerse the reader in the spectrum of feelings and thoughts of the author. Biographies, on the other hand, are more researched and factual.
Because you're sharing your attention
Even though you're not touching your phone, the fact that you might look at it from time to time is extremely concerning, since you should have your eyes on the road all the time. Besides, the fact that you're sharing your attention between your phone and the road is already a problem.
I good thesis statement is That you should never give up.
A Tale of a Tub is Swift's wildest adventure in satirical humor. Speaking through a diabolical persona of his own making, he pillories the corruptions of churches and schools. The title refers to the large tub that sailors would throw overboard to divert a whale from ramming their boat.