The correct answer is option (a). Parent material
The soil horizon refers to distinct layers of the soils, which are parallel to one another, but have a different composition from the layer present above and below to it.
The soil horizon can be divided into four different layers. First one is organic layer, which is the topmost layer, below this layer second layer of topsoil is present. Below top soil, subsoil is present. Below subsoil, the bottom most horizon parent material is present.
Synthesize energy
Tissue repair and maintenance
Mitosis is a stage in the cell cycle where the produced DNA is separated and two new cells are generated with the equal number of DNA and type of chromosomes as the parent nucleus.
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There are several mutations that benefit the organism.A well known example is the antibiotic resistance developed by bacteria, which aid in their survival even when they are exposed to a given antibiotic. A single gene mutation in wild almond trees resulted in a variety that no longer synthesizes amygdalin.
Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from the splitting or hydrolysis of water in the green plants. Cornelius van Niel experimentally proved for the first time that the oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from water and not from carbon dioxide.