During the sales era of marketing.
Marketing is one of the major utilitarian regions of a business firm. The advancement of promoting incorporates a few periods including the straightforward exchange time, the creation time, the business time, the advertising division time, the showcasing organization time, and the relationship showcasing time.
The sales era is the time in history from 1920 to the mid-1950s, in which makers understood that the imaginative generation contraption made tremendous excess, so they expected to discover approaches to allure purchasers or to keep creation in accordance with the request.
A command economy would be an economic system that is the opposite of capitalism. A command economy could exist in a socialist system as well, whereby the state controls major businesses in an economy and provides close economic planning for a country's industries rather than allowing private ownership and free markets under capitalism.
GDP is the sum of all final goods and services produced by an economy in a given period. In calculating GDP only the final goods and services that are traded are accounted for. Thus, household services that do not generate income are not accounted for in GDP, only productive activities. Therefore, in the long run the tendency is that the GDP analyzed by this issue will decrease, because when the unemployment rate increases, fewer workers will be employed in the productive sector. These people may substitute work for leisure or household chores, but this will not count in GDP.
The correct option is;
Loss of national monetary and exchange rate policy
The disadvantages of the establishment of monetary unions includes;
1) The loss of independence in monetary policy
2) The associated problems that arise due to the the initial establishment of the union
3) Tedious nature of the task of attaining comprehensive capital mobility
The advantages are;
1) Lack of uncertainty in exchange rate variation
2) Reduced cost of doing business
3) Improved fiscal stability as well as control of the inflation rate by supranational central bank.