Before you give your hard earned cash to just any Internet bank, make sure they are legitimate. Check and re-check all of the institutions' contact information. Contact them. Ask questions. Make sure they are real! There also should be an “about us” section on the site. This should tell businesses detail. How long have they existed? Who is the CFO? Who is the parent company, if any? This is your money you are entrusting to them. Make sure it is safe! Go to the FDIC web-site. Look for information about the Internet bank you are considering. If they are insured, their information will be available.
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a. Dividend
b. $500,000
a. As in the given case, the character of any income or gain recognized is the dividend of $500,000 which eligible him to avail 100% deduction of the dividend amount
b. The reduced amount would be lower of the distributed amount or 50% of Total E&P
Distributed amount is $500,000
And, the 50% of total E&P is = $8,000,000 × 50% = $4,000,000
So, the lesser amount is $500,000 which is reduced its total E&P
(B) Uncertainty avoidance.
Uncertainty avoidance is one of the dimensions of national culture.
It deals with with degree at which members of a society feel comfortable and tolerate uncertainty and the unknown.
People in cultures with high uncertainty avoidance try to reduce the occurrence by implementing rules and regulations while those in cultures of low uncertainty avoidance feel more comfortable and have no need to implement many rules.
Divide 50,000 by 12 to get 4,166.67
D. Americans purchase more Canadian made products.
The situation that would typically result from an appreciating U.S. dollar relative to the Canadian dollar is "Americans purchase more Canadian made products."
When Americans purchase more Canadian-made products, the Canadian dollar will rise or appreciate against the U.S. dollar. This is based on the principle of trade balance, whereby the monetary value of a country's imports and exports are evaluated over a given period.
In this case, the monetary value of Canadian exports against the U.S. dollar will indicate a positive trade surplus, hence, the Canadian dollar or currency will appreciate against the U.S. dollar.