Economics ranging from the united states to cuba have been termed mixed economies. The term is also used to describe the economics of countries which are referred to as welfare states such as Norway and Sweden.
The correct answer is plaintive ballad and mourning.
Elegiac broadside itself is a type of ballad which has a plaintive feel and which is mournful.
It is a poetry which tells the story of a life which is being lost. An elegiac broadside is being got from mournful feeling of a poetry.
If a story is being taught like a ballad, it is being recited for a person who has died.
The broadside is the paper which contains the announcements, the public information and the elegies.
A famous example of an elegiac broadside is the elegy.
He huffed and puffed louder than ever and said - "Sorry I'm late Ma'am"
She could include more reasons she is hesitant to assist Grandma June, allowing suspense to build as the reader begins to believe she will not help.
I was about to say the last one but then the reader would be confused who Grandma June is more of then having suspense.
<span>“[O]h! well! perhaps it is better to wake up after all, even to suffer, rather than to remain a dupe to illusions all one's life."