no C. the structure of the Iroquois League
Primary producers! They get their energy directly from the sun through photosynthesis. All consumers lose some energy from the previous level through indigestible parts, such as plant root (or later bones)
A .org website is the URL used for organizations. It is a top level domain, and frequently used by giant bodies even. It is a truncated from the full word, organization.
Even charity websites use .org frequently well. The .org domain was initially intended for non profit organizations, until few months ago during which the restrictions were lifted. It is frequently used by communities, schools, and of course, charity organizations or NGOs.
The most popular form of protest during the Anti-Vietnam War movement were sit-ins.
Socrates comes a sustained inquiry into ethical matters—an orientation towards human living and the best life for human beings. With Plato comes one of the most creative and flexible ways of doing philosophy, which some have since attempted to imitate by writing philosophical dialogues covering topics still of interest today in ethics, political thought, metaphysics, and epistemology.