The climate was very cold up there and the terrain tended to be rocky
The history of the holiday dates back to the pagan beliefs of the Celts; however, Western Christians on this day established a large and joyful holiday - “All Saints Day.” This choice, of course, was not accidental. It is associated with the name of the first Irish Christian who was not afraid to speak out against the forces of darkness in those days when, according to the beliefs of his people, evil received particular power. This man was St. Patrick.
Halloween mythology is rooted in Celtic paganism. In their calendar, on this day, theer is the festival Samhain. Julius Caesar, waging wars in Gaul, commenting on some Celtic religious ideas, noted that on Samhain day, a door between worlds opened and the gods freely entered the space of human life. The road was open both ways. However, after preaching of St. Patrick, in about half a century, Ireland, from a country where wild sacrifice reigned, turned into an “island of scientists and saints." People ceased to be afraid of “intruders” from the other world. Celtic society was pleased to be free from the dubious “cultural heritage” of paganism, which required murder and terrifying. Namely on this day Celtic Christians in the 8th century began to celebrate the memory of all saints.
It had helped Britain become wealthier and all the other countries like France, Spain and Italy got excluded from international trade. Now those countries are doing fine, but Britain is "In the lead" of economy.
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Relations between the Soviet Union and the United States were driven by a complex interplay of ideological, political, and economic factors, which led to shifts between cautious cooperation and often bitter superpower rivalry over the years. The distinct differences in the political systems of the two countries often prevented them from reaching a mutual understanding on key policy issues and even, as in the case of the Cuban missile crisis, brought them to the brink of war.
The United States government was initially hostile to the Soviet leaders for taking Russia out of World War I and was opposed to a state ideologically based on communism. Although the United States embarked on a famine relief program in the Soviet Union in the early 1920s and American businessmen established commercial ties there during the period of the New Economic Policy (1921–29), the two countries did not establish diplomatic relations until 1933. By that time, the totalitarian nature of Joseph Stalin's regime presented an insurmountable obstacle to friendly relations with the West. Although World War II brought the two countries into alliance, based on the common aim of defeating Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union's aggressive, antidemocratic policy toward Eastern Europe had created tensions even before the war ended.
Jim Crow Laws enforced segregation between black and white people. The court case "Plessy Vs Ferguson" was trying to please people by enforcing the "separate but equal" law. Basically, they wanted to make the two races separate, but they thought it would be fine as long as both places were the same in quality and quantity.
To sum it up, Jim Crow Laws were to separate the two, but black people were given schools that weren't as good, trashy bathrooms, etc. It was also made to make sure that black people could not go some places on certain days, or at all. The "Plessy vs Ferguson" case was to try to make it better by separating the races, but having both bathrooms the same and both schools the same so none is better than the other.
I hope I helped.