The United States is a multicultural based country, with countries ranging all the way from China to Brazil. Since the country is so diverse, so is the food. However, there are still some differences between American food and other foods, and more specifically- Hispanic food. Hispanic foods have many recipes, including Ropa Vieja, Arepas, Tostones, Arroz con Leche, and so much more!
These foods differentiate from American cuisine because of the extra added flavor that some American foods do not have. Apart from that, Hispanic foods are usually healthier than your typical Mac&Cheese and the famous smashed potato, offering great nutritional value. However, these foods can also compare thanks to the deep meaning that these foods have to their cultures. United States takes as much pride in hot dogs and burgers as Argentina does in the Baleadas. In the end, we are all not that different.
**There. Adjust it to your liking. You're welcome.**
yo voy al cine y veo una pelicula de Almodovar. Cuando nosotras salimos del cine quedamos con nuestros amigos de Sevilla en el bar de tapas de la esquina y tomamos unas cervezas. Despues de esto, todos nosotros volvemos a casa y cenamos. Almudena (i don't know what is this) compramos un pollo asado en el supermercado de al lado del cine pero ella no compra bebidas. Nosotros comemos el pollo y bebemos agua. Nuestros amigos no se van hasta media noche. Cuando ellos se van yo tomo una ducha y como estoy muy cansada, no leo mi libro como hago normalmente. De repente, cuando quiero apagar la luz, no veo el vaso de agua que tenia en la mesilla de noche y lo rompo. Esto es lo que sucedio ayer.
Im hispanic
Ellas, es una palabra en femenino y esta en plural. A. "Ellas because the gender of the word is in femenine and its in plural"
Aguadulce<span> is a province located in Panama. It is considered as an agricultural city. The name Aguadulce means 'freshwater.' There is also an aguadulce located in California and Seville, Spain. But nevertheless, the two leading industries of aguadule are more of agricultural use and sugar cane plantation. It also known for its salt production through sea water evaporation. They are developed because of the its location and taking advantage over its resources.</span><span>