Answer: Key Characteristics of a Summary
Summaries begin with a lead that includes the title, author, and text type. book, the central idea of the text may also be included. Summaries are written in chronological order and mirror how the text itself unfolds. Summaries are free from opinions or judgment.
A good summary should be comprehensive, concise, coherent, and independent. These qualities are explained below: A summary must be comprehensive: You should isolate all the important points in the original passage and note them down in a list.
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Last week, we met several fascinating people at the conference.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess who had lived in a castle.
I've owned this answer phone for three years.
They haven't sold all the tickets to the Cup Final.
A medium refers to the materials that are used to create a work of art .
Im assuming youre talking about a famous Frankenstein poem. He does so because he is desperate for a friend. The old man is blind so he feels that the monster is not much dIfferent from any human.
Answer: capulet- Juliet, the nurse, and Tybalt. Montague- Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio