After being caught in Japanese waters, and taken prisoners, Louie and Phil were treated nicely and with respect while on the ship, good food and treats, medical care and so on; they even were untied from time to time. But while off the ship on Execution Island they were brutally handled and physically abused, they were put in small cells, no medical care and with meager food, no dignity neither humanity.
Fatespeaker decides to tell Starflight that she is the NightWing dragonet of destiny. This makes Starflight curious and he soon realize that he is being replaced. They later on find his father (Mastermind) in the lab of the palace and meet him.
Tortoise did not give up as he slowly crawled to the finish line. Rabbit was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he already passed it, maybe he got lost?
(Paragraph 5) B.
I had this answer on a test a couple months back and I left the answer in my notes. I got it right. So I hope you get it right or my teacher may have made a mistake.
Can you make the question more clear please
It is hard to understand