Cumulus type of clouds are involved in producing showers and snows
Stratus types of clouds are involved in producing quite intense rain or snow.
London's taxi drivers navigate through smoggy snar with ease instantaneously calculating the swiftest route between any two points. I it happens often to the taxi drivers in London then I don't see why not.
Water is used by the farms for irrigation purpose as well as in cities it is used for other various purposes such as drinking purposes.
Water is used in agriculture so that crops , fruits as well as vegetables can be grown. It is also used to raise livestock. There are various uses of farm water they are as follows, for irrigation, for applying pesticides as well as while applying fertilizers, it is used for crop cooling and lastly for frost control.
Water is used by cities for various purposes such as it provides water for drinking purposes, water is used for cleaning street, watering the trees, grasses in parks.
Russia, the world's largest country (by total area), comprises much of northern Eurasia, and stretches over a vast expanse of Europe and Northern Asia.[1] Due to its size, Russia displays both monotony and diversity. As with its topography, its climates, vegetation, and soils span vast distances.[2] From north to south the East European Plain is clad sequentially in tundra, coniferous forest (taiga), mixed and broadleaf forests, grassland (steppe), and semi-desert (fringing the Caspian Sea) as the changes in vegetation reflect the changes in climate. Siberia supports a similar sequence but is predominantly taiga. The country contains forty UNESCO biosphere reserves
It’s D. I almost positive that no country in the world forces reproduction :)