With the cotton gin, production rates boosted because it cleaned the cotton faster, and separated the seeds quicker. That way, cotton plantation owners sold much more cotton, and made a lot more money.
The two consequences of the United States involvement in the Guatemala coup were:
- The government of Guatemala became a military dictatorship.
- The civil war that followed resulted in the genocide of Mayan people.
The Involvement of the United States in the crisis in Guatemala led to devastating effects for the people of the country.
The involvement led to a coup that overthrew a democratic government. The results were military and authoritative governments.
The reason for the involvement of the US was to contain communism in the Latin American nations. It succeeded in this.
But the people of Guatemala paid a price for it.
Read more about this coup here:
The availability of high skill laborers at a low cost has increased the rate of globalization in the 20th and 21st centuries because multinational
corporations find it beneficial to hire workers at the lowest cost and people with skills and education in less developed countries want jobs that will
bring them more wealth.
Explanation:Hope this helps
the republicans in congress did get angry because of Johnsons actions. the republicans refused to allow the southern representatives to take their seats at the congress.
Feudalismo es la denominación del sistema político predominante en Europa Occidental de los siglos centrales de la Edad Media (entre los siglos X y XI, aunque no hay acuerdo entre los historiadores sobre su comienzo y su duración, y esta varía según la región),1 y en la Europa Oriental durante la Edad Moderna, caracterizado por la descentralización del poder político; al basarse en la difusión del poder desde la cúspide (donde en teoría donde se encontraban el emperador o los reyes) hacia la base donde el poder local se ejercía de forma efectiva con gran autonomía o independencia por una aristocracia, llamada nobleza, cuyos títulos derivaban de gobernadores del imperio carolingio (duques, marqueses, condes) o tenían otro origen (barones, caballeros, etc.).