The statement which expresses the central idea of the text is ''Since the Gilded Age, journalism has not been about making a profit, rather it has been about reporting the news''
Answer: Option C
Gilded age was the time period that was between the civil war and the first world war. Gilded age was the age when some of the people in the United States who were very rich, had assets and were very wealthy but the average people were not leading a very comfortable life and were there fore struggling. One of the industries which was also struggling was that of journalism and they could hardly earn money to survive and were not making any profits in their business.
My Father said he was let go. "Let go from what, Father?" I asked curiously. He walked to his and my Mother's room. Not too long after, I heard yelling. It wasn't until my Father stormed out of the house that I heard my Mother cry. What was happening? It wasn't until now, 4 years later that I understood what happened.
They call it "The Great Depression," it's a quite accurate name. My Father was unemployed, and started drinking. My Mother decided to attempt to get a job, even then, there wouldn't be enough money to support my Father's Alcohol addiction, my brother and myself. I've also noticed my neighbors talking about my Mother when I am doing my house chores. We have resorted to going to St. Paul's potluck Tuesday worship. Everyone who went, usually only went to get a full stomach.
I am in charge of patching up our clothes. We cant afford new ones, so I have to fix the ones we already have. Everybody says, "Use it up, wear it out, make do or do without,” maybe it'll catch on. This depression has taken a tole on everybody however, some families more than others. Everything has gone wrong, I heard about this crime duo, Bonnie and Clyde? They are going around robbing banks in the North. It's not so safe, so Mother says I have to be in by 5 in the evening. What are we going to do if this never gets better?
Hope this was good enough, made it up as I went along so you shouldn't have to worry about plagiarism. :)))
The correct answer is D.
Lech Walesa (born in 1943) is a Polish politician and labour activist. He founded and leaded <em>Solidarity</em> the first free labor union in the Soviet bloc. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1983 and became president of Poland in 1990 until 1995.
The reasons why he was awarded the Nobel Prize was because he developed mechanisms for peaceful resolution of labor issues in his country. He established networks for negotiations and cooperation between the government and the unions, specifically his organization called <em><u>Solidarity</u></em>. He attempted to solve problems through peaceful initiatives, while surrounded by a world in constant tension due to the Cold War scenario. His behaviour set a model to be followed and this is why the committee decided to give him the award.