B. Protectionism
By this policy they are able to guard their own industries from foreign competitors. They do this by usually taxing imports.
Most of the states in ancient India were politically stable. They often remained for long periods free from internal squabbles and intrigues of the kind we see today. This situation helped them a great deal in initiating measures aimed at improving the quality of life of the common people. How could the states enjoyed political peace for long stretches of time to undertake such measures? The answer is that the origin of the state in ancient India was strongly believed to lay in dharma (religion) itself and, therefore, treated as an institution not to be opposed or disobeyed.
A close study of the scriptures of ancient India reveals that the people during the Vedic and later periods firmly believed that the state had been set up by god Himself. One of the India, Kautilya, held the view that God created the state for administering a benevolent yet strict rule over the people. Manu, the famous lawgiver, said that the state was needed to enforce discipline in the life prone to act in unrighteous ways.
Colonial rationale and resistance Colonial powers justified their conquests by asserting that they had a legal and religious obligation to take over the land and culture of indigenous peoples. ... Even before decolonization, indigenous people on all continents staged violent and nonviolent resistance to their conquerors.
Answer: "We can not stand idle we must wage war with the enemy!"