wesvuiasdivhiiS SDFVNKJsdd vuIBJBjbbaksjfbdkajdfbsdbaghjkavbhjkasdbsdgkasgkbasfgkbs
there u go
lowered the price by decreasing expensive stuff in it.
From the cooling of lava the feature of Magma should form
Public pressure- states tried to regulate RR & trusts and SC ruled unconstitutional
Sherman Antitrust Act 1890- attempt by congress to appease country; had little impact
McKinley Tariff 1890- highest protective tariff every; didn’t really prevent monopolies and angered public
Interstate Commerce Act-1887-banned discrimination in rates between long and short hauls, required that RR publish their rate schedules and file them with the gov’t
Due to pressure by the American people to regulate corrupt businesses and monopolies congress passed several acts that limited particular industries, however these acts had little practical effect.