Compliment him on his acomplishments ( ex ; good grades ) or tell him how he has impacted you in a great way ( ex ; thank you for teaching me... it has changed my life in... and I am proud of you and for shaping me in a great way. )
Do some research to support what you will say, don't plagiarize. Have contect to support your case.
In the book "Night", by Elie Wiesel, Wiesel is recounting his memory of the German version of the gulag as well as his experience later in Auschwitz's labor camp, the hardships he faced, and his loss of his family as well as his identity. At the end, we see that his experience changed how he thought and acted, and the event of his Dad's death haunted him throughout his life. (This is because he failed to save his dad.)
The theme of Henrik Ibsen's A Doll's House that is reflected in this excerpt from act 1 of the play is ambition. Nora in here is so happy that she can get what she wants with Torvald. Torvald has so much power over people. Also, even though macaroons is bad for her, she eats them anyway and gives some to Doctor Rank and Christine.