Interphase! Most cells are in this phase and in it they copy DNA and prepare for mitosis, hope I helped
Three examples would be gamma rays (usually these rays are emitted from unstable isotopes and can be used in nuclear experiments and testing) ultraviolent rays that are emitted from the sun and can cause sunburn and even skin cancer because the rays mutate the DNA in the skin cells nucleus. And also X-Rays, microwaves, and radio waves, which is usually harmless because it isn’t enough radiation to mutate DNA in our cells
I hope this is what you wanted
wait... hold up... no... maybe... never.
Extraction of genomic DNA
Resuspend the cells(any number), smaller numbers also work, in 10-20 ul of TE buffer or milli Q water. boil for 5-10 min in a waterbath, quick chill, short spin. use the supernatant as a template for PCR.
If cells are very less, u can directly add cells to the PCR reaction without enzyme,boil for 5-10 min in a waterbath, let it cool slowly, short spin. Add enzyme to the supernatant and start the reaction at extension step followed by normal PCR reaction steps.
A white rose cannot be produced in the G1 (first generation) of roses because the red rose will have a RR (R standing for red) allele combination. The pink rose will have a RW (R for red, W for white) <span>allele combination. When crossed all combinations will have at least one R allele, meaning that no roses (in the first generation) will have a WW allele combination. WW is the only allele combination that produces white roses.
(look up punnet squares for more help) </span>