<em>Hi Todoroki Here!! </em>
According to the USGS, Missouri River stretches for 2,341 miles from source to mouth the river beats out the Mississippi River as the longest river in the US. The river starts flowing from the Rocky Mountains in Western Montana and drains into the Mississippi River.
<em>Your Welcome! UwU</em>
However there are still a number of threats to the health of the Congo rainforest and its residents. The biggest drivers of deforestation in the Congo rainforest over the past 20 years have been small-scale subsistence agriculture, clearing for charcoal and fuelwood, urban expansion, and mining.
Buffered solutions or buffers are solution which resist a change in PH when small amounts of acid or base are added. Buffers contain an acidic species to neutralize OH- ions and basic species to neutralize H+ ions Buffers are therefore made of weak acid-base conjugate pairs , such as HC²H³O² and C²H³O².
Rivers transport particles, from fine ones such as silt in turbid water to coarser ones such as sand, gravel, and boulders associated with bed-load transport. The speed and turbulence of currents enable transportation of these materials. When riverbed gradient or the river flow diminishes, particles tend to drop out.