I applied to your establishment because it has a very good reputation, and its humanist spirit is rare, but also because currently I have no accommodation or can sleep because I have just arrived in Australia and my economic situation does not improve. not allow to be able to rent an apartment or a house, so therefore I wish I could have accommodation without being able to spend money working.
I am a person who is quite dynamic, organized and who loves teamwork because I think teamwork can be constructive, that way nothing is forgotten.
À la fromagerie, ça coûte ___ euros.
100 = a hundred / cent euros
11 = eleven /onze euros
211 = two hundred / deux cents euros
111 = a hundred and eleven / cent onze euros
<em>a fromagerie is a store where you buy mainly cheese.... </em>
<em>I doubt you would spend more than a hundred euros for cheese even if there are truffles in it !!</em>
I gave you the translations, you have to match the answer with the complete question...
By the way, cent will take an "s" only if there's a number before and nothing after...
200 = deux cents
250 = deux cent cinquante
300 = trois cents
320 = trois cent trente
400 = quatre cents
430 = quatre cent trente
hope this helps :)
First question equals= answers 1 & 4
second question equals = answer 3
third question equals = answer 3
hope I has some Help :)
yes!!! I speak French because where am from people speak French
Nous nous sommes levé tard. = INCORRECT
<em>CORRECT IS : Nous nous sommes levéS tard. (masculin)</em>
<em>Nous nous sommes levées tard. (féminin/pluriel)</em>
Verbe "se lever" au passé composé :
<em>je me suis levé/evée</em>
<em>tu t'es levé/evée</em>
<em>il/elle/on s'est levé/evée</em>
<em>nous nous sommes levés/evées</em>
<em>vous vous êtes levés/evées</em>
<em>ils/elles se sont levés/evées</em>