So you know how they had that whole Ferguson riot and all of that, well its kinda like this, it was always there but because the public saw the negative it made an uproar and no one really knew the truth. he was jay walking, the cop that stopped him just had a call to were he had to perform CPR on a baby which didn't make it through and he was verbally aggressive, but because of them looking from the outside it looked worse than it really was.
Ella Baker, Diane Nash, Julian Bond, Bernard Lafayette, and Charles Sherrod Created the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.
The correct option is "Few children knew how to read printed material."
The care of war orphans was an important function for local organizations, as well as for the state and local government. A typical state was Iowa, where the private "Association of Iowa Soldiers' Orphanages" operated with funds from the legislature and public donations. Orphanages were created in Davenport, Glenwood and Cedar Falls. The state government financed the pensions of the widows and children of soldiers. Orphan schools were created to provide housing, care and education for the orphans of civil war soldiers. They became a matter of state pride, orphans were exhibited around demonstrations to show the power of a patriotic education.
Neither one of the sides were fruitful in getting through the resistance of the other and bringing about a stalemate. Trench fighting developed due the disappointment of the Schliffen Plan. It was another arrangement of fighting which was an immediate reason for the stalemate, and this is the reason. It was an arrangement of resistance not offense.