The to acquire a given product. Insofar as the amount people are prepared to pay for a product represents its value, price is also a measure of value.
Answer:Spiderman, The Matrix and The Lion King all follow Joseph Campbell's monomyth. Campbell wrote about the hero's journey in 1949, and people today still read and enjoy the hero’s journey. All hero’s journey stories have trials and adventure. The Book of three by Lloyd Alexander is a hero’s Journey.
The ordinary world is really boring to the hero in a hero’s Journey. Taran lives in Caer Dallben in the land of Prydain. Taran is bored because he wants to go on an adventure but he is stuck in a farm making horse shoes for a horse they don't have. All hero’s journeys start in a boring world and the hero’s are eager for adventure. Later Taran faces trials.
Trails are the tests of strength and bravery towards a hero. Taran had a trial when he had to fight the horned king. It was really difficult at first but he succeeded and he had another trial when he was running from the cauldron-born he thought he was going to get caught but he didn’t because of his bravery. All heroes have hardships to overcome. Once the problem is solved , The hero returns to the ordinary world.
The last stage of the hero's Journey is the return. The hero goes back to the ordinary world but they have changed. The whole gang goes back to Caer Dallben, and the stage is set for the next story.
The Book of three is a hero's Journey by Lloyd alexander. Joseph Campbell’s monomyth is important because the monomyth isn’t just structure, it's also how we relate ourselves to the movie we're watching or the book we're reading. Taran started his trials and he fought the horned king bravely and he returned to Caer Dallben safe and sound without any injuries. The hero’s Journey is just like our real life we want to go places not be stuck at home in quarantine some of us been through alot like they lost someone in life or get there hearts broken those are your trials but you should never give up and always keep your head up and you would be successful .
This is an essay I just wrote from a book im reading hope it helps and it may no be 125 words but hope it helps.
I believe its a or c sorry if I'm wrong
Regardless of a persons gender they should be able to earn equal pay.
If we take a look at one of the oldest documents in the world it says, "All men are created equal". At that point in time it refereed to men with status, men with property, and men who where white. However, understanding the fact that many women like Rosa Parks,Amelia Earhart, and Mae C. Jemison fought for their ability to have a say and do what they dreamed. Men are given the opportunities because they were born with it. It is unfair that simply because your a man you get paid more. However, Women earn everything they get.... they fight for what they want and they put both their heart and sole into their jobs into there families and into their dreams. Men and WoMEN should be given equal pay regardless of their gender but by the way they try everyday and the way they give their all in their jobs.
sheeeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhh that qu3stion long hold up I gotta check real quick